Monday, December 11, 2017

Christmas 2017

Christmas 2017:  This is usually a personal and highly subjective blog, tinged with what I would like to call sardonic humour, but it has been subverted on this occasion to a simple newsletter, with family updates, and some photographs; in my own case mainly to illustrate the aging process, but with others to show mostly smiles of happiness.  I hope that this is not about to turn into the sort of round-robin which was so celebrated by the late Simon Hoggart.  As he observed, ‘One reads with polite indifference that a dog one never knew has died.’  For more of his wonderful insights into the genre see:

But some of our friends and family have had a difficult or even tragic 2017.  The photographs here show us, if not exactly in our best light, at times when we were smiling.  And we hope for many more of those for us and for you in 2018.

Natalie and Ben welcomed new addition Louis, born 2nd April 2017 and found time to smile in Cornwall

And Louis smiled a lot once he learnt how to do it

Coco was not certain what to make of the new arrival

"But if they want I'll smile to pretend I really like him"

But she was able to forget the new baby when having her own sort of fun

Our good friend from Lenzerheide, Marina Bergamin, Natalie's Godmother, was able to join us for the Christening on 3rd September

Norman Pipler, Lindsay's Dad, with Louis

One of Dorset's good days this summer - not as frequent as we would like

Sunshine and spectacular scenery walking in Slovenia (Lake Bled)

We were privileged to attend Lindsay's French cousin, Dominique's 60th birthday party in Hangest sur Somme.  This is taken at his home in Bellancourt.  From L to R, AAM, LM, Micheline Roblot (Norman Pipler's First cousin), Dominique Roblot and his partner Paule

We cycled in Alsace in September.  This is pure Sylvaner grape juice - honest!

Anna and Graham at 5am in Bray-Dunes, at the start of the French Divide 2 (qv; also see and my previous blog)

Anna worked for the advertising agency TMW until September, when she transferred to the clothing company Rapha.  Her colleagues in advertising are pretty clever with their farewell cards.

Nick and Catherine enjoying sunshine and cocktails in Majorca

Katie ran for charity

And surfed...

And relaxed - but also passed her financial management exams

and a Happy New Year!